July coffee date
Thanks all who came
The next official meet up is SUNDAY JULY 8th at 11am at Crema, there is a theme for this event!
The theme is friendship show and tell. Bring something related to friendship to show and tell us about it! It could be a photo, a friendship bracelet, a gift, a book or a an item from a long inside joke! Be ready with something meaningful to you!
The next official meet up will be on July 7th at 11am at Crema unless otherwise noted.
1202 The Alameda, San Jose, CA 95126
Hey everyone thanks for making it to our second meeting!
The next official meet up is SUNDAY JULY 8th at 11am at Crema, there is a theme for this event!
The theme is friendship show and tell. Bring something related to friendship to show and tell us about it! It could be a photo, a friendship bracelet, a gift, a book or a an item from a long inside joke! Be ready with something meaningful to you!
1202 The Alameda, San Jose, CA 95126
Hey everyone thanks for making it to our second meeting!